Vote-by-Mail Ballot Registration

Vote-by-Mail Ballot Registration
The 2021 Florida Legislature session brought about election law revisions. Under Florida Statute 101.62, all requests for Vote-by-Mail (VBM) ballots now expires after each General Election (every two years). Voters who had an active request on file during the 2024 Primary and General Elections should be informed that all requests for VBM ballots with the Miami-Dade County Elections Department expired at the end of 2024. Therefore, if you wish to continue voting by mail, please submit your request.
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Guidelines
If you are presently registered to vote in Miami-Dade County you may request a vote-by-mail ballot online. You may also request a ballot by email, fax, phone or mail. If you would like your vote-by-mail ballot sent to an address other than the one on file in the Florida Voter Registration, you must send a signed written request which contains the following information:
- Full name of voter
- Date of birth
- Florida driver license number, Florida identification number or last four digits of your social security number
- Residence address
- Mailing address (if applicable)
- Voter registration number (optional)
- Date of the election or elections for which a vote-by-mail is needed
- Signature of voter (written requests only)
The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is 5 p.m. on the twelfth day before the election: track the status of your ballot online.