Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee (the "Committee") is to study, advise, and make recommendations to the Town Council regarding the development and usage of the Town parks and recreational facilities per Resolution No. 06-97 as well as to assists with planning and organizing Town events and cultural programs per Resolution No. 09-74.
The Committee consist of five (5) citizens of the Town who serve at the pleasure of the Council Member who appointed the member per Resolution No. 22-43.
The Committee shall be dissolved at such time as the Council accepts its recommendations and/or advises the Committee that its services are no longer required.
Town Council Liaison - Vice Mayor Michael Callahan
Member | Position | Appointed by |
David Biegen | Chair | Mayor Meerbott |
Mark Salemi | Vice Chair | Vice Mayor Callahan |
Milagros Aspillaga | Member | Councilmember Ramirez |
Jorge Solis | Member | Councilmember Lord |
Dr. Lyle D. Culver | Member | Councilmember Duncan |
Monthly Meeting: First Monday of every month at 6:00 pm (Town Hall Community Room #220)
Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please visit the Town's website calendar for current information. For Prior Meeting Agendas and Minutes, please contact the Town Clerk's Office.