Youth Council Committee

The purpose of the Youth Council Committee (the "Committee) is to gather information and facts regarding issues of special interest to youths within the town. (Resolution No. 12-63, & Resolution No. 17-05)
The Committee consists of five (5) student residents appointed by the school administration of Cutler Bay Senior High School, Mater Academy Cutler Bay, Miami Southridge Senior High School, and Cutler Bay Middle school each appoint one (1) student to the Committee and the Town Council appoints one (1) at-large student to the Committee per Resolution No. 22-42.
The Committee shall automatically dissolve upon delivery of the Committee's final report to the Town Council, unless otherwise extended by the Town Council.
Town Council Liaison - Councilmember Richard M. Ramirez
Member | Position | Appointed by |
Joselyn Sanchez | Member | Cutler Bay Senior High School |
Gaëlle Timmer | At-Large Member | Gulliver Prep |
Philip Rubinstein | Member | Miami Southridge Senior High School |
VACANT | Member | Cutler Bay Middle School |
Patrick Lastres | Member | Mater Academy Cutler Bay |
Monthly Meeting: Third Tuesday of every month during the school year at 6:00 pm
(Town Hall Community Room #220)
Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please visit the Town's website calendar for current information. For Prior Meeting Agendas and Minutes, please contact the Town Clerk's Office.