Age-Friendly Community Committee

The purpose of the Age-Friendly Community Committee (the "Committee") is to educate, encourage, promote, and recognize services, activities, and other improvements that make the Town more supportive to residents of all ages per Resolution No. 21-42.
The Committee consist of five (5) citizens of the Town appointed by the Town Council.
The Committee shall automatically dissolve upon delivery of the Committee's final report to the Town Council, unless otherwise extended by the Town Council.
Town Council Liaison - Council Member Suzy Lord
Member |
Position |
Appointed By |
Fernie Bustamante |
Member |
Vice Mayor Callahan |
Hugo Suarez |
Member |
Councilmember Lord |
Irene Rivera Royston |
Secretary |
Mayor Meerbott |
Dr. Abhijit Bhattacharyya |
Vice Chair |
Councilmember Duncan |
Charlotte Marvez |
Chair |
Councilmember Ramirez |
Bimonthly Meeting: First Wednesday of February, April, June, August, October and November* at 6:00 pm (Town Hall Community Room #220)
***November meeting will take place of December meeting due to the holidays.
Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please visit the Town's website calendar for current information. For Prior Meeting Agendas and Minutes, please contact the Town Clerk's Office.
Becoming an Age-Friendly Community
The Town’s journey to become a more age-friendly community began in 2010 when the Town Council adopted a resolution—sponsored by Mayor Meerbott, who was a Council Member at the time—to join the Florida Department of Elder Affairs’ Communities for a Lifetime Initiative. Two years later, the Town established a Community For A Lifetime Committee, led by Vice Mayor Loyzelle, to develop a Senior Needs Assessment to determine services important for seniors’ independence and care. Recommendations from the Assessment were incorporated in the Town’s comprehensive Master Plan and led to the creation of the Town’s Age-Friendly Action Plan.
In September 2018, Cutler Bay became the second municipality in all of Florida whose Age-Friendly Action Plan was approved by AARP and the World Health Organization. The Action Plan was formally adopted by Town Council on January 16, 2019 via Resolution #19-01. The Town’s Action Plan has also received recognition from U.S. Congresswoman Donna Shalala, Florida Senate’s Jose Javier Rodriguez and from the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners.
On June 16, 2021 Resolution #12-04 was amended by revising the name and purpose of the Community For A Lifetime Committee to align with the Town's Age-Friendly Action Plan via Resolution #21-42. The committee was renamed the Age-Friendly Community Committee.
Resources and Activities for the 60+ Community
Through the Age-Friendly Action Plan, the Town developed an Active Adults program for residents aged 60+ that provides many monthly gatherings, lectures and resources. Please visit our Active Adults page for more information.