Floodplain Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Floodplain Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee (the "Committee") is to promote the public health, safety and welfare of Town residents while minimizing the Town's vulnerability to flooding and protecting the natural and beneficial functions of the floodplain which was adopted Resolution No. 13-56 . The Committee assisted the Town in the development of the Flood Mitigation Plan adopted via Resolution No. 15-27 on May 20, 2015 and later revised via Resolution No. 21-77 on November 17, 2021. This Committee continues to meet as needed to monitor the implementation of the Flood Mitigation Plan per Resolution No. 13-56.
The Floodplain Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee is made up of the following:
Voting Members:
- Local Residents: Two (2) members - residing in the Special Flood Hazardous Area (SFHA)
- Local Business: One (1) member - a business active in the community
- Insurance Agent: One (1) member - services the NFIP insurance
- Real Estate Agent: One (1) member - lists and sells homes in the SFHA
Non-Voting Technical Experts to the Committee
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
- One (1) member - South Florida Chapter of the American Red Cross or other compatible local NGO
- Government Agency One (1) member - South Florida Water Management District "SFWMD" or Miami-Dade County
Town Staff
- Two (2) members - Department of Community Development and Public Works Department
Voting members of the Committee must be local residents.
The Floodplain Mitigation Plan Advisory Committee will continue to meet as needed to monitor the implementation of the Flood Mitigation Plan.
Town Council Liaison - Vice Mayor Michael Callahan
Member | Position | Appointed by |
Jorge Acevedo, PE | Member | Resolution 13-72 |
Luis Badillo | Member | Resolution 13-72 |
Janice Rowton | Member | Resolution 13-72 |
Craig Emmanuel | Member | Resolution 21-17 |
Luis Jimenez | Member | Resolution 22-46 |
Quarterly Meeting: Please refer to Town of Cutler Bay Calendar for specific meeting dates and times. (Town Hall Community Room #220)