Stormwater Master Plan Update: First Public Involvement Workshop

Thursday, March 10, 2022 - 6:00pm

Stormwater Master Plan Update Image

The Town of Cutler Bay is getting ready to update its Stormwater Master Plan and we want to hear from you!

Project Overview

In March of 2008, the Town completed the Storm Water Master Plan (SWMP) with the purpose to identify opportunities to protect surface water quality and reduce flooding within the Town. This SWMP included a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that addressed seventeen priority stormwater improvement projects (basins) throughout the Town based on observed flooding, flood complaints, roadway conditions, traffic volumes, and hydraulic analysis. The SWMP also included the development of an Operation and Maintenance program with an annual budget to improve the condition and performance of the Town’s new and existing stormwater infrastructure.

Many of the projects identified in the original SWMP have either been completed or are in the planning stages—which includes several capital improvement projects, localized drainage improvements, and the implementation of the recommended Operation and Maintenance program. Those efforts have enhanced and improved the Town’s stormwater system, reduced flooding risks, and helped the Town earn a CRS Class 4 rating, which provides flood insurance policy holders in Town with a 30% discount on their premiums. Cutler Bay is one of only 4 communities in Florida to achieve this rating.

Now, the Town is ready to update the SWMP in order to examine the performance of the work completed to date, examine the effectiveness of the Operation and Maintenance program, and to identify new prioritized capital improvement projects for future system improvements, improved stormwater management, and water quality improvements throughout the Town of Cutler Bay. This SWMP Update will also review and address impacts associated with sea level rise, resiliency, and changes in the construction industry that should be reviewed and incorporated into the budgets for the stormwater program.

What To Expect

The first public involvement workshop will be held in the Town Hall Council Chambers to obtain input from residents. The Town’s Consultant will hold a presentation and be available to answer questions from the public. We encourage residents to not only provide their feedback, but to participate in this discussion.

Stay Informed

Sign up for our e-news at and follow us Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (@townofcutlerbay). With any questions, contact the Public Works Department at (305) 234-4262 and/or aquintero@cutlerbay‐