Solid Waste Franchise Fee Registration
Frequently Asked Questions
All private haulers who remove, collect, or transport for disposal from any commercial establishment or multi-family residential establishment in the Town of Cutler Bay, or All private haulers who haul solid waste over the streets or public right-of-way located within the Town.
The initial application and associated fees include a $750.00 franchise fee, a $100.00 per account charge, and a $25.00 per vehicle charge.
There is a monthly franchise fee of 17% of gross receipts that is due to the Town of Cutler Bay each month. Additional fees are required for rolloff containers and franchise renewal fees. Please refer to the Solid Waste Franchise Fee ordinance, as amended, for details on all assessed fees and penalties. The ordinance can be accessed from the link below.
The solid waste franchise permit is valid for each fiscal year beginning October 1st and ending on September 30th. Courtesy renewal notices are mailed to each registered franchise fee holder and the renewal package must be submitted to the Town before October 1st. Failure to renew in a timely manner may result in late fees and/or revocation of a solid waste franchise. If a franchisee does not receive a courtesy renewal notice, they are still responsible for ensuring that their solid waste franchise is renewed prior to October 1st. Please refer to the Solid Waste Franchise Fee ordinance, as amended, for details on the renewal process and associated fees.
Click here to view a check list and all required forms.
Companies who fail to obtain the required permit will be subject to fines as provided for in the Solid Waste Franchise Fee ordinance, as amended, and may be barred from conducting business within the Town limits. Please refer to the Solid Waste Franchise Fee ordinance, as amended, for details on all assessed fees and penalties. The ordinance can be accessed from the link below.
Supporting Documents

Contact Information
Cutler Bay Town Hall
10720 Caribbean Boulevard, Suite 210
Cutler Bay, FL 33189
Phone: (305) 234-4262
Fax: (305) 234-4251
Please note that Town Hall is a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free workplace.