Franjo Road Roadway Improvement Project

Project Type:
Project Status: 
Date Received: 
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Franjo Road Improvement Project
Franjo Road from SW 184 Street to Old Cutler Road
Cutler Bay, FL 33189

The Town of Cutler Bay has been approved for funding for the improvement of Franjo Road from Old Cutler Road to SW 184 Street by the Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization (TPO) Governing Board during their September 26, 2019, meeting.

This "Complete Street" Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) project has been approved for $8,946,758 in funding that will see the improving of Franjo Road from Old Cutler Road to SW 184 Street from two to three lanes that will include a center turn lane, curb and gutters, shared use path, storm drainage system, pavement markings and signage, signalization, and roadway lighting. The project will mirror the improvements made on Old Cutler Road and Caribbean Boulevard—two Complete Streets project the Town finished in 2014 and 2017, respectively.

The Franjo Roadway Improvement Project was identified through the feedback the Town received at various public involvement meetings held while it was developing its Complete Streets Master Plan, which was funded by a TPO Grant.

Status Updates

11/10/2020: The project's first Public Information Session was held on Thursday, November 19, 2020, at 6 p.m. (learn more about this project with this video recap).

5/17/2024: The project's Public Informations Session will be held on Wednesday, May 29, 2024 from 6 PM-8 PM. There will be an in-person and virtual presentation (via Facebook Live) from

6 PM-6:45 PM and in-person one-on-one presentation from 6:45 PM-8 PM. The session offers an overview of the project which is tentatively scheduled to begin construction in June 2024. 

8/8/2024: Franjo Road Project Groundbreaking Ceremony.

8/12/2024: Work Zone Phase #1 construction of the Franjo Road Roadway Improvement Project commenced.

10/18/2024: Transition from Work Zone Phase #1 to Work Zone Phase #2.

March 2025: Phase #1 of the Franjo Project is tentatively scheduled to reopen the first week of March 2025. New traffic pattern will also begin to transition from Phase #2 to Phase #3 (new detour map is linked below under files). 

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