Wings Over the Bay Cook-Off Registration

Thank you for your interest in participating in our 2025 Wings Over the Bay Chicken Wing Cook-Off!
Please read the rules and regulations to participate and complete the registration form below. Once you submit your form, we will review and reach back out to you to arrange payment and confirm participation.
If you want to participate in the Wing Eating Contest, please register here.
If you have any questions, please contact Maria Herrera-Mendoza at (786) 459-7389 or at
Only one entry per contestant/team will be allowed in each category. The Entry fee is $25 per category.
Teams must register by Monday, March 3, 2025.
A Mandatory Chef’s Meeting will be held at Cutler Ridge Park at 7:00 PM on Thursday, March 6, 2025. One representative from each team must attend.
Prizes by Category
- 1st Place Buffalo Wing: $125
- 2nd Place Buffalo Wing: $75
- 3rd Place Buffalo Wing: $50
- 1st Place Special Grill Wing: $125
- 2nd Place Special Grill Wing: $75
- 3rd Place Special Grill Wing: $50
- 1st Place Parmesan Garlic Wing: $125
- 2nd Place Parmesan Garlic Wing: $75
- 3rd Place Parmesan Garlic Wing: $50
- Best Restaurant Buffalo Wing: $75
- Best Restaurant Special Grill Wing: $75
- Best Restaurant Parmesan Wing: $75
- People's Choice Best Wing: $100
- Best Decorated Booth: $50
Ingredients & Preparation
- Competing Teams will be given 1 bucket of naked wings per category* (orange home depot size bucket).
*If you are participating in the “Fun” category, you must provide your own wings. - Each team must cook all the wings provided for the competition, failure to do so will result in disqualification.
- The sale of chicken wings will result in immediate disqualification unless otherwise approved by event coordinators.
- If you would like to bread the wings you may do so but this is not required.
- Distribution of raw wings will be discussed at the chefs meeting. You MUST have a way to keep them cold at your booth until they are cooked. A separate ice chest and ice is strongly recommended to store your chicken in.
- This is a traditional cook-off and everything must be cooked on-site.
- Awards will be announced at 9 PM
- Any high allergen seasoning or ingredient necessary to create unique taste is acceptable but must be listed at your table (example: Peanut oil or a potential high allergen).
- Teams must bring their own cooking equipment, tent, tables, chairs, paper towels etc.
- Electricity will not be provided.
Chefs are to prepare and cook their foods in as sanitary manner as possible. Cooking conditions are subject to inspection/modification by the event organizer or his/her designee.
Booth Location/Site
- Booth set-up begins at 1 PM on the day of the event and must be set up by 5 PM.
- Booth location will be assigned by the event coordinators. The event coordinators have final say over space assignments.
- All participants are responsible for their own tables, (1) tent maximum of 10’x10’ and cookers.
- Teams are required to have a fire extinguisher accessible.
Judges Samples
- Once containers for the judge’s samples have been issued, each head chef is responsible for his or her sample container.
- You must provide wings for each category you are participating in. One wing per judge (Number of Judges will be discussed at chefs meeting).
- Staff will collect judges’ samples at the following times (Any marked or altered container must be replaced prior to submittal to the judges or it will be disqualified):
Judges Sample Times*:
- Parmesan Garlic Wing 6:00 PM
- Special Grill Wing 6:30 PM
- Buffalo Wing 7:00 PM
General Public Sampling times:
- Parmesan Garlic Wing 6:00 PM
- Special Grill Wing 6:30 PM
- Buffalo Wing 7:00 PM
Clean Up
All teams are responsible for clearing their area after the cook off. All teams will be held financially responsible for any damages done to their cooking area. We will provide an area for you to dispose grease.
- 1 vehicle will be allowed to drive onto the field and drop off supplies.
- All vehicles must be off the field, NO parking is allowed on the field unless approved by event coordinators.