Town of Cutler Bay Growth Management Plan Update - Evaluation and Appraisal Report

Thursday, March 17, 2022 - 6:00pm

We're in the process of updating our Growth Management Plan (Comprehensive Plan) and residents are invited to attend this virtual Zoom to learn about the vision for the Town's future development and to provide their feedback.

The Growth Management Plan helps guide the Town's decisions regarding the distribution, extent, and timing of future growth as it pertains to future land use, housing, infrastructure, coastal management, conservation, intergovernmental coordination, capital improvements, transportation, recreation and open space, educational facilities, climate change and more. The State of Florida requires all local governments update their Comprehensive Plan every 7 years.

What are your concerns? We want to know what issues are important to the Community. 

Attend the virtual meeting and give us your feedback.

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Meeting ID: 899 1824 1049
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This meeting is being conducted via ZOOM Virtual Platform. If you cannot attend via Zoom Communications media technology OR have questions regarding the meeting procedure, please email by 1:00 pm on Thursday March 17, 2022.