SMDCAC Discounted Tickets for Classic Albums Live: The Eagles Greatest Hits

We're proud to partner with the South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center to offer a $10 discounted special ticket rate for Town residents to the Classic Albums Live: The Eagles Greatest Hits show on Saturday, July 30, 2022 at 8:00 p.m. Discount not valid on table-seating. Limit of 2 tickets per order. Limited discount tickets available!
To reserve tickets, visit or call the box office at (786) 573-5300 and use coupon code: CBEAGLES
About the Show
The Eagles—Their Greatest Hits contains a selection of songs from their first four albums from 1971 to 1975. From “Take it Easy” to “Desperado” to “One of These Nights” to “Best of My Love” hear the beautiful harmonies and iconic songs that dominate the airways to this very day, live on stage. Founded in 2003 by Craig Martin, Classic Albums Live takes the greatest albums and recreates them live on stage using the best musicians. With 100+ shows a year in North America, Classic Albums Live has seen massive success.