June 2022 Flooding Event Presentation & Community Discussion

Tuesday, July 12, 2022 - 6:00pm

Drone photo of flooded Cutler Bay streets

The Town of Cutler Bay, along with other portions of Miami-Dade County, suffered an extreme rain event from June 2-9, 2022, which left several neighborhoods severely flooded. This event brought forth many questions from the community like: how much rain did the Town receive, what has the Town done to mitigate flooding, what is a 100-year storm, and much more.

To provide answers to these questions—and to provide additional important information that will help better prepare our community for the future—the Town of Cutler Bay’s Town Manager, Public Works team and the South Florida Water Management District will hold a presentation for residents on Tuesday, July 12, at 6 PM at Cornerstone Church. The presentation will especially focus on hard-hit neighborhoods like Saga Bay, Lakes by the Bay and other areas. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session where residents are welcome to join the discussion.

Those who are not able to join the presentation in-person may watch a 35-minute presentation about the same topic on the Town’s YouTube channel.